
7 techniques to increase the sale of hardware products



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Sales are the main objective of any company since, with it, we can continue practicing our profession and increase the profits of our business. Therefore, applying the most precise, correct and functional sales techniques is key. So, below, we explain 7 infallible ones so you can start putting them into operation in your hardware store. It’s time to achieve success!

The importance of applying sales techniques to your hardware store products

Applying sales techniques in your business is fundamental, essential and a priority. First, as we have said, to increase the benefits that your establishment will receive but, also, to attract new consumers, achieve maximum customer satisfaction, build customer loyalty and prevent customer flight in the face of a similar offer from our competitors.

A good sales strategy involves planning and implementing various techniques. And, of course, the entire process requires time, dedication and even training on the part of the entire team, but the return achieved by doing so is much more advantageous than the investment made initially. So working in this sense is synonymous with guaranteed success and that is why your business must direct its efforts to applying them correctly.

  1. Segment your customers

Hardware stores have 3 different segments into which to break down their multiple customers:

The contractors

DIY lovers or hobbyists

And occasional buyers or buyers out of sporadic need

Therefore, it is important to break them down by segment to be able to offer each of them exactly the hardware products they want, are looking for, and need. In addition, you can also create special promotions, discounts or news that may be of interest to them in each of their different positions. Emphasizing your brand on every product with electric branding irons might be a brilliant option!

  1. Place your products attractively in your hardware store

Sales in hardware stores are conditioned by many factors. But what is undeniable is that customers prefer businesses that are visually attractive to them. That is to say, in a sector in which there are so many different parts, tools, and elements, it is important to maintain order and cleanliness that generates trust and is pleasant to carry out the sales process.

  1. Explain and compare the products

Customer service and advice is key to the sale of hardware items. To do this, you need to have qualified personnel in your business to guide, advise and guide consumers correctly. That they be able to explain the specifications and characteristics of each product and that they know how to develop the comparison between some models and others so that, finally, the user can opt for the one that will provide the best service and resolution based on their needs.

  1. Identify the hardware products that act as a “hook” for customers

Or, in other words, it encourages cross-selling. When a customer comes to buy basic hardware items, for example, he can always appreciate being offered others that complement their usefulness. That is, imagine that your client comes to your store for paint. He’s just looking for paint. And possibly, if he is not a professional or is not used to carrying out such tasks, he will not fall into the need to use other products. So it’s time for your employees to offer them painter’s tape, sandpaper, brushes, rollers, brushes, solvent… your sales will increase, but so will your customer satisfaction. Because you will have provided them with good advice, perfect attention and, in addition, you will have prevented them from wasting more time going back to get the rest of the material.

  1. Implement attractive promotions for your hardware products

Promotions, offers or loyalty cards reward customers. They find them attractive and, in addition, they retain their purchases. You can also implement different sales techniques, such as cross-selling or up-selling to encourage purchases and get your customers to increase their purchase satisfaction.

  1. Personalized customer service

Each client is unique and has their own needs and preferences. So focus on his requirements, pay attention to his comments and look for the best solutions for each of them. The best service is one that individualizes each purchase, since it provides everything necessary for each case and project.

  1. Loyalty

Finally, it is essential to talk about loyalty. Because without a doubt, all the sales techniques applied in your hardware store must be focused on achieving customer loyalty. And this can only be achieved if all the requirements that users look for are met, including the quality of the products, good advice from employees, post-sales customer service, effectiveness in solving problems, the friendly and respectful treatment by the staff and the correct location of all products based on their categories and services.

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