
Health Insurance: The Reasons Behind



Health Insurance: The Reasons Behind

Millions of people, having to resolve health issues, choose to pay out of pocket at private facilities. The reasons for this choice are various: much shorter waiting times compared to public waiting times, smaller price differences compared to ticket prices, better accessibility, wider assistance, and finally, decreasing trust in the National Health Service. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in this context, more and more people are choosing to take out a health insurance policy to protect themselves and their loved ones in the event of illness or injury.

Health insurance is the ideal policy to protect ourselves and our family members, which is why many people take advantage of it today, choosing from the different possible variants. Health insurance allows you to obtain total or partial reimbursements on the costs of:

– medical visits

– diagnostic tests and tests

– hospital and extra-hospital healthcare services

– specialist visits to private facilities

– any treatment therapies.


They vary depending on the policy stipulated and the conditions envisaged, but the possibility of obtaining reimbursements, even partial ones, through the annual payment of the premium, remains a great advantage for oneself and beyond; in fact, insurance often covers medical expenses for the entire family unit. This allows you to benefit from reimbursements for the costs of visits or medical services even if the family members of the health insurance holder benefit from them, without therefore having to take out multiple separate policies. In many cases, the best health insurance plans for family are very helpful. Thus, comparing many insurance plans is something that must be done before a family head makes a choice.


Some health insurances also include various tests for the prevention of diseases, and can therefore be offered the possibility of carrying out regular preventive checks at no or low cost, from a simple annual blood test to a more complete check-up with established periodicity. Having complete health data will really help simplify the procedure for taking out a health insurance plan.

Minor children

Among the various possibilities for families where children and young people are present, health insurance can offer particular advantages for dental care for children under 18, primarily for treatments with dental braces.

Health plans

The various health plans offered by health insurance companies therefore offer basic individual or family policies that start from the classic reimbursement for medical expenses, which can also cover any hospitalization.

Greater peace of mind

Subscribing to health insurance allows you to “feel more relaxed” in the unfortunate event of having to resort to surgery and hospital stays, for example following accidents; within the limits foreseen by the chosen policy, expenses such as anesthesia, surgical costs, and operating room costs are usually covered by basic insurance. Going into detail you can find health insurance dedicated to specific surgical interventions, or you can also opt for a daily allowance policy which offers a sum for each day of illness.

When insuring with a health insurance policy, the policyholder is asked for information on his state of health by completing a health questionnaire which ultimately forms an entire part of the policy contract. The questionnaire must be filled out with precision and accuracy to obtain the acceptance of the insurance company which, if there are omissions or few clarifications attributable to wanting to hide health problems, can refuse the insurance request even earlier.

In particular, a defined “shortage” period is usually present immediately after signing up for health insurance, which is required by insurance companies to protect themselves; a person could declare themselves not ill despite knowing it and commit to taking out a policy immediately before being hospitalized. A detail worth mentioning is that naturally, the older you are, the more likely you are to have health problems and for this reason the premiums for health insurance for an elderly person cost more; you can even find companies that do not offer insurance over the age of 70.

Still regarding the exclusions in the policy, in general, expenses for illnesses caused by alcoholism and drug addiction as well as specific interventions such as cosmetic surgery are not covered. Today, there are more and more companies that offer the insured a list of affiliated nursing homes to contact for treatment, without even having to advance the cost of the service, which will be covered directly by the insurance. However, if you opt to obtain services from non-affiliated nursing homes, you will have to pay the expense in advance and then present the relevant form.

Finally, health insurance essentially works like car insurance: just contact its assistance service, and it will take action to direct you to a private healthcare facility or professional to receive treatment. Some insurance companies offer a 24/7 medical consultancy service, with professionals always available.

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