
How to start writing your dissertation and thesis



How to start writing your dissertation and thesis

Is one of your resolutions for the year to write your dissertation or thesis? If so, here are some tips that might help. I am considering that the subjects have already been studied, the project has been set up and defended, and that the research phase is advanced, ok? I need to assume first so that everything discussed in this article can be more focused.

The most important thing is to prepare the work field. Put your writing time on your calendar and commit to it. Rain or shine, you will be writing. Buy a Hard Drive for backup and use it every day. Purchase a bibliography manager. Purchase a notebook to carry everywhere. Learn to use your word processor once and for all. No excuses. Organize your notes in a folder and identify it.

Careful. Don’t get lost in the search. It seems obvious, but this is a common problem that leads many to despair. Typically this occurs due to an error in perspective. Keep this in mind:

1) Ideally you will research more than you will use. Therefore, be organized during the reading phase and separate the material into chapters;

2) Don’t think you have to use everything. Discard. Some readings are for learning, while others are at the heart of your work and should be used. Don’t think it’s your obligation to go all the way to the invention of the wheel. Keep focus.

Intensify meetings with your advisor. If he is busy with travel, research, and classes, schedule in advance. Think of it this way: 2 to 3 weeks in advance is a good deadline. Schedule extra meetings for the final months. And set aside at least 1 of them for general review. Always send material in advance. I usually ask for 72 hours and increase this deadline if the material exceeds 50 pages. Talk to your advisor about it. However, if you are still experiencing difficulties, I highly recommend you visit this website. Just try!

How many pages should my work have?

A dissertation – and the same goes for a doctoral thesis – is nothing more than an expanded argument. Therefore, your dissertation must be as long as your argument. Nothing more, nothing less. Generally, the average length of a dissertation is between 120 and 200 pages. But it all depends on the theme, the focus, the language used, etc. This is because, if you are writing a dissertation in Physics, your sentences will have different notations from those you are writing for History, Literature, or Law. Therefore, it is important that you focus on developing your argument and the quality of your work, rather than worrying about the number of pages.

How much should I write per day?

Don’t think that just because it’s your desire you will write 10 good pages a day. Some days will be better than others. Furthermore, achieving a rhythm like this requires time and great immersion in what you are writing. Normally, in a dissertation or thesis, this occurs around the third written chapter. So be realistic and anticipate problems. Picking up the pace takes time. The important thing is to maintain a daily work program. Always exercise your hands before and after writing to avoid future problems. I speak from experience. If it starts to bother you, stop; If you feel pain, see a doctor. Being a researcher is a lifelong occupation. You will go much further than your master’s or doctorate. Preserve your body.

What work pace should I have?

Every day should be a step towards completing the dissertation or thesis. And when the goal for the day is over, you must stop. That simple. And remember: “Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. This is the only secret.”

I am a nonstop worker! Why should I stop?

It will sound strange, but you must know how to stop so you can continue. Avoid burnout. Try to control the onset of exhaustion by knowing how to stop when the day’s goal is reached. Hence the importance of planning. You’ll start the next day better and avoid procrastination. Fatigue leads to postponing resuming writing.

Prize time!

When I finished a day of work on my thesis I rewarded myself. I ate some cheese. Okay, this is not a good prize. It’s easy to gain weight (I gained almost 5 kilos at the time). However, I stuck to the principle. At the end of a working day, I do something I enjoy. This helps to not turn my day into a hassle without immediate benefits. You already know the distant prize: finishing your dissertation or thesis. But what about today? Reward yourself for your daily effort and be happy. Thank you for reading!

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