
How to structure an internal digital marketing team?



marketing specialists

Find out how your company can structure a marketing team to have more results, more conversions, and sales success. Structuring a marketing team for your company is one of the most important steps to secure your space in the market, especially with digital strategies to strengthen your brand on online channels.

After all, most Americans do online research to buy products or services. Not to mention that the main channels for people to discover new brands are online advertisements, websites, search tools, such as Google, and television advertising (considering that the cost-benefit ratio is less viable on TV).

This is why having an in-house marketing team is so important to the success of your company. It is this team that will help ensure the success of your sales and your positioning in the market. But having just any team is not enough: it is essential to invest in truly qualified marketing specialists.

Therefore, we prepared this text, to better explain the importance of each member of this team and how you can choose the right people to structure your internal marketing team. Check out:

The essential professionals in a marketing team

The first step to structuring a successful marketing team is to understand that each company needs different professionals according to its size and work demand. Therefore, first, evaluate the needs of your business and which type of team is ideal for your work.

Small marketing teams

A small company, with less investment capacity or a more limited digital presence, can start its marketing work with a smaller team. In these cases, the first professional the company needs is a digital marketing analyst, who can also act as a sector manager. He will be primarily responsible for your brand’s branding, and campaign strategies and affirming your positioning on social media.

He must also coordinate all marketing planning in the company, as well as content production, including creating and developing strategies and materials in digital media. Furthermore, it is up to him to measure his results, to evaluate the success of the company’s marketing strategies. To do this, it must measure the return on investment (ROI), and the cost per customer acquisition (CPA), among other important metrics.

If the demand for all of this is very high, the analyst may also have a marketing assistant, who will be responsible for simpler activities, such as publishing content, monitoring social networks, and monitoring data. It is also essential to have a designer. This professional is responsible for maintaining your brand’s visual identity and creating the design for each campaign or publication. This work can be outsourced, but the ideal is to have the role in-house. Finally, you need to analyze your company’s need for professionals to write. Hiring a writer can be a good strategy if you have a high number of texts to be produced monthly for your blog, social networks, landing pages, etc. However, for most small businesses, the ideal is to outsource this task or rely on a specialized marketing agency to carry it out.

Mid-sized marketing teams

As the company grows, the need for a good digital presence and the ability to invest in marketing also increases. Therefore, it is essential to have a more complete team. The first step is to define someone responsible for managing the team, which can be a marketing manager or a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). This professional will lead the entire team and monitor the execution of projects. Below him, it is essential to have a marketing analyst and an assistant, who will carry out the tasks already mentioned. The difference is that, in these cases, the work needs to be much more specialized. The analyst will be responsible for strategies, coordinating campaigns, and measuring results (mainly Ad performance). The assistant, in turn, will work with customer service, publications, and monitoring numbers.

Complete marketing teams

For large companies, or even medium-sized companies with a large digital presence, it is essential to have an even larger list of professionals, including increasing the number of analysts, assistants, writers, and designers. To complete the team, your company must look for other professionals, such as a front-end programmer and a back-end programmer, to meet the needs of the campaigns more completely. You can also hire an offline marketing analyst to complement the work with radio, television, billboard campaigns, etc.

Why count on a digital marketing agency?

Having an internal team is essential. However, not every company is capable of putting together a complete team, like the one we have just presented. Not to mention that it is hardly viable to execute all the writing, layout, traffic, social media, SEO, paid media, BI, and many other functions internally.

If you want your investments to really deliver the expected results, it is essential to have prepared professionals with the necessary expertise. That’s where the work of an online performance agency comes in. Your company will have everything it needs to achieve success if it has a specialized team working directly with your internal team and providing all the necessary support in website development, SEO strategies, paid media, and much more.

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