
The Importance of Weight Control and Exercise for Health



weight management


Already the ancient Romans with the famous phrase mens sana in corpore sano attributed to the efficiency of the organism a balance between thoughts and actions, between reasoning and physical activity. Moving means increasing your health in terms of psychophysical well-being, reducing stress and anxiety, maintaining weight management, improving the quality of sleep, and in some cases stopping smoking.


Maintain a healthy weight


Some consider being overweight as an aesthetic factor while others see it as a simple number, still others consider it the main enemy of the swimsuit test but in reality, it is a risk factor for various pathologies. Doing it yourself isn’t always the best option when it comes to monitoring your health.


In fact, it happens, when measuring the weight on the scale, that the data is considered without consulting the opinion of a professional. The result is an incorrect measurement and a seemingly solved problem. Modern society is also complicit, where showing off a physique different from that of the models on TV generates a sense of inadequacy and insecurity, as happens with body shaming.


Feeling comfortable with a few extra pounds is not wrong in itself but the problem is not about external appearance. Being overweight acts against the body by favoring cardiovascular diseases and, like most problems, it begins with a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet.


Overweight and obesity


Always sitting and eating foods with a high-calorie content is certainly not recommended; the problem of being overweight is not clearly visible but it acts little by little, becoming a habit. Those affected vary between adults and children although nowadays the incidence leans dangerously towards the latter.


Dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disorders, and diabetes are just some of the characteristics associated with obese individuals, not to mention joint damage and a greater possibility of developing tumors following an incorrect diet. Obviously, all this undermines the psychological balance which leads to episodes of social isolation and bullying.


Change your lifestyle


It is not vanity that drives you to love yourself, take care of your body, and listen to it. The first step is to want a change and be willing to change your lifestyle. The extra kilos will not go away with a magic potion but only thanks to continuous effort. Anyone who thinks they can obtain important results immediately is wrong: it is a task that takes time and does not allow shortcuts.

First of all, it is good practice to eat fresh foods, with few condiments, preferring short cooking times. Fruit and vegetables are the best weapons to overcome obesity, always relying on the opinion of experts. It is not wrong, from time to time, to indulge in some sweets or pleasures, as long as it does not turn into a frequent behavior. If you add healthy movement to your routine, after a few weeks you will already feel a sense of lightness, and as time progresses, you will also lose weight.


Physical activity by age group


As already mentioned previously, combining a healthy diet with physical exercise means obtaining results in terms of psychological well-being and more. In fact, movement helps in the prevention of metabolic diseases, helps reduce blood pressure, and lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.

In the elderly population the benefits are many, just think for example of the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system which prevents the risk of falls. In general, for each age group, a certain type of exercise is recommended for a certain period of time.


Children and adolescents


For children, physical activity represents an outlet for all those stressful situations that arise during the day such as homework, tests, and social interactions. We must also remember that sport and movement help memory and learning. Twenty minutes of aerobics before studying any discipline is sufficient to increase the brain’s attention and memorization capabilities.




Adults are generally individuals between the ages of 18 and 64. For them, the physical activity requirement is around 150-300 minutes per week, while for intensive training 75 to 150 minutes per week are needed. In order to strengthen your body well, it is a good idea to train all the muscles of the body at least twice a week, perhaps alternating intensive sessions with others that require less energy.


Elderly people


The elderly should exercise as much as adults, if not more, but without exaggerating. For those aged 65 and over, physical activity is strongly recommended at least three times a week to strengthen and improve balance. To also prevent accidental falls, it is advisable to train your body moderately and, if possible, increase the intensity.


The benefits for body and mind


The reason that drives physical activity and eating well is often associated with purely aesthetic factors, but achieving a healthy lifestyle has significant repercussions on the body and mind. Not only in treating chronic conditions but also in preventing diseases of various kinds.


Weight loss and a healthy diet


First of all, losing weight decreases blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This is associated with a correction of values such as cholesterol and triglycerides which translates into a positive effect for the heart. The respiratory system is also affected. There is a reduction in the symptoms of sleep apnea, with a notable improvement in sleep, and asthma, reaching those associated with hyperventilation by improving the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.


One of the main advantages, however, is prevention. In fact, healthy food and physical activity reduce the chances of cancer with an interesting reduction in mortality in general. In essence, there is a clear improvement in the quality of life.




Obtaining the right physical shape, therefore, is not just an aesthetic issue. Losing weight and adopting a healthy diet is the first step to improving health, preventing diseases, and avoiding frequent use of medicines. Furthermore, weight loss associated with physical activity especially affects mood. Serenity, quality of sleep, and more efficient memory are just some of the benefits that can be obtained.


In short, adopting a healthy lifestyle is a necessary step to improve health, prevent ailments, and achieve an important psycho-physical balance.

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