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How do you know what to give to children?



collectible dolls

Most children have their eternal letters prepared with all the toys they want to receive. Many of these lists are endless, with sheets and sheets of toys, collectible dolls, clothing, accessories, and games, while others only include a few things in their menu.


But how do we know what we should give them? Whatever the size of the list, many parents have the same doubt whenever these important dates arrive. Playing is the right of any child, as well as a fundamental activity in its growth and development.


Through play, children can learn routines and rules, discover new concepts, explore their environment, and put their imagination and creativity into practice. In addition, the game keeps them active and makes them have fun and interact with their peers and other people with whom they live on a daily basis. Therefore, it is important that we encourage our children to play and that we leave them time and space for recess.


In addition to taking into account the recommendations regarding age, the tastes and preferences of our children, and the general characteristics of the game, for many of us it is essential that toys have an educational purpose. In general, we believe that toys that encourage and reinforce learning are better than those that only have a recreational purpose; But this factor should not be the only one we consider when deciding which is the most suitable toy for our little ones.


The main objective of the toy is to amuse and entertain, to provoke positive emotions of satisfaction, pleasure, and joy. If it does not achieve this primary objective, it will hardly fulfill any other objective. Therefore, although we believe that it is good that children can learn with it, it is also important that it simply entertains and excites them. The main objective of the toy is to amuse and entertain, to provoke positive emotions of satisfaction, pleasure, and joy.


Although technology is gaining ground over traditional toys in many areas of our lives, we should not leave aside traditional toys or consider them less appropriate or educational than more technological ones. The double recreational and pedagogical objective of the toy can be achieved by both classic and high-tech toys, so there is no need to contrast one with the other since they are different tools for the same objective:


Complexity doesn’t make it more fun


The toy must provide both recreational and pedagogical value. If we give them things that are too complex, we will not make them feel attracted or enjoy it. A common mistake is to choose the most advanced option, thinking that it will be the one that will impress them the most, but the reality is that, if it is disproportionate to their age or maturity, the toy will bore them.


Also, avoid sexism. There are toys for boys and toys for girls. Everyone should be able to play with any toy that catches their attention without gender bias, so it is advisable to select the gift based on the child’s real tastes and not on the classic roles that society assigns to them by gender.


Avoid frustrations

It is also relevant to avoid frustrations: pay attention to advertising. It is important that we verify that what they announce corresponds to reality. This point is key since the advertising they see on television and even in-store brochures often exaggerates the functions of the toy or make them think that it is capable of things that it will not do, which disappoints children. We must ensure their safety. It is important to look at the recommended age and the characteristics of the toy and check that it is approved and complies with the corresponding safety regulations.


After opening the gift


In addition to knowing how to choose a toy that meets the fundamental requirements of being appropriate, safe, and fun, it is also important that, once the child receives it, we know how to collaborate with him so that he enjoys it to the fullest. Help them in the assembly. We must read the instructions for use and help them assemble the toy safely. In addition to guaranteeing correct operation, we will teach them the importance of being well-informed before beginning any assembly. The best gift is to play with them.


The little ones enjoy it more if we play with them. If they need help, teach them how to play and learn the rules, and above all participate in their games. But do it in a way that they are the ones who take the reins and direct the game, without them becoming spectators.


In summary regardless of the toy purchased, for them, the most important thing is that we dedicate time to them and share the game. Let the child we all have inside come out!


Step by step instructions to party alone: Here are what should be done



Step by step instructions to party alone: Here are what should be done

Hasn’t it at any point happened to you that the end of the week shows up and you need to go out however nobody joins? Furthermore, you remain at home with the craving you needed to party following a difficult seven day stretch of work. Haven’t you considered going out alone? Since nobody joins, you won’t remain at home without want when the night can bring you many shocks. All things considered, you can go out alone, you must be willing and trying. To do this, we will give you a few hints on the most proficient method to go out celebrating alone on a Friday or Saturday night and find that you don’t need to miss a party if you have any desire to go so a lot and that assuming what stops you is being seen alone, realize that you can conceal it.


On the off chance that you go to a bar

On the off chance that you have never made it happen and you don’t have the foggiest idea the proper behavior, the principal exhortation we give you is to go to a confided in bar where you know the proprietors, so you can have a beverage and converse with them so you don’t feel so alone and don’t appear as though you are without conversing with anybody. From that point, there might be someone else at the bar like you with whom you start a discussion and you can keep having your beverages, this time in organization regardless of whether it is discussing platitudes. Assuming it works out in a good way for the proprietors, broaden the night until shutting and ask them where they are going straightaway, with the beverages you will have previously had, you will feel more courageous to go along with them or anybody at the bar.


In the event that you hit up a show

To miss that show that you have been hanging tight for so much, for which you as of now have paid tickets and it is one of your #1 gatherings however nobody goes with you, we suggest that you go and don’t miss it. Remember that in a room where everybody is standing and very full, nobody will see in the event that you are separated from everyone else or not, individuals might believe that your companions are in the first line, close to you, or at the bar. Appreciate it taking a gander at the stage and nobody will see your forlornness. We suggest that you enter right when it will begin so you are in good company in those minutes when it has not yet begun and individuals are pausing and talking.


A party where you don’t know anybody

A companion welcomes you to a party however you don’t know anybody and you realize that he will be in the middle of taking care of everybody and you will be separated from everyone else. All together not to be continually joined to your host and seem like his shadow, you should awaken, so don’t be modest and go present yourself with a beverage and converse with the first you meet, assessing the house, the party or the food and saying that you have come since you are companions with somebody. You can make a joke to get a grin and have them proceed with the joke, like that, you can draw nearer to them or others when you see that you are extremely alone.


On the off chance that you go to a bar

You need to go out and all the tomfoolery is in the bar region. To dig into only one of them, believe that you will have one and leave. Nobody realizes that you will be separated from everyone else the entire evening, so you can embrace the disposition that you are sitting tight for somebody, taking a gander at the clock, taking a gander at the entryway, or checking the cell phone out. As a matter of fact, you can have your beverages at the bar utilizing your PDA until you feel sure and dance to a tune, for instance. We suggest changing bars while having one so you don’t feel so alone and this isn’t perceptible.


On the off chance that you go to a club

Assuming that you go to a club alone, it is best that you practice somewhat by going to a bar alone first, since individuals go to clubs somewhat later. To try not to go out straightforwardly to them from home, feel free to have a beverage so you can heat up. When you show up at the club, one of the Scottsdale clubs for instance, go to the bar to arrange something, it is where there are typically the a great many people and nobody will see that you are distant from everyone else but instead you are basically going to arrange a beverage alone. We suggest that you don’t simply remain on a wall, yet rather go to the floor and dance. Once more, since there is music, it isn’t the most ideal spot to talk but instead moving, do likewise and consolidate bunches that hit the dance floor happily, yet without being overpowering or tedious. On the off chance that you see that an individual ganders at you a great deal and you like them, go up and converse with them, you might quit being separated from everyone else this evening.

Anyway, isn’t it all easy to do?

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Directions to party alone: Here are the things to do



Directions to party alone: Here are the things to do

Hasn’t it anytime happened to you that the week’s end appears and you want to go out anyway no one joins? Furthermore, you stay at home with the desire you expected to party directly following a troublesome multi day stretch of work. Haven’t you considered going out alone? Since no one goes along with, you will not stay at home without need when the night can bring you many shocks. Taking everything into account, you can go out alone, you should be willing and attempting. To do this, we will give you a couple of clues on the most capable strategy to go out celebrating alone on a Friday or Saturday night and find that you don’t have to miss involved with go so a ton and that expecting what stops you is being seen alone, understand that you can hide it.


In case you go to a bar

In case you have never gotten it going and you don’t have even the remotest clue the legitimate way of behaving, the chief direction we give you is to head to a trusted in bar where you know the owners, so you can have a drink and chat with them so you don’t feel so alone and don’t seem like you are without talking with anyone. Starting there, there may be another person at the bar like you with whom you start a conversation and you can continue to have your drinks, this time in association whether or not it is examining technicalities. Expecting that it works out decidedly for the owners, widen the night until closing and ask them where they are going immediately, with the drinks you will have recently had, you will feel more fearless to oblige them or anyone at the bar.

In case you appear at a show

To miss that show that you have been holding on for so much, for which you at this point have paid tickets and it is one of your #1 get-togethers yet no one goes with you, we recommend that you go and don’t miss it. Recall that in a room where everyone is standing and exceptionally full, no one will see if you are isolated from every other person or not, people could feel that your sidekicks are in the main line, near you, or at the bar. Feel a debt of gratitude looking at the stage and no one will see your hopelessness. We propose that you enter right when it will start so you are following some great people’s example in those minutes when it has not yet started and people are stopping and talking.

A party where you don’t know anyone

A friend invites you to a party anyway you don’t know anyone and you understand that he will be found dealing with everyone and you will be far off from every other person. All together not to be persistently associated with your host and seem like his shadow, you ought to stir, so don’t be unassuming and go present yourself with a drink and chat with the principal you meet, surveying the house, the party or the food and saying that you have come since you are friends with someone. You can make a joke to get a smile and have them continue with the joke, similar to that, you can move closer to them or others when you see that you are particularly alone.

In case you go to a bar

You want to go out and all the horseplay is in the bar area. To jump into only one of them, envision that you will have one and leave. No one understands that you will be far off from every other person the whole night, so you can embrace the demeanor that you are holding on for someone, looking at the clock, looking at the doorway, or looking at the wireless. Truly, you can have your refreshments at the bar using your remote until you feel sure and dance to a song, for example. We propose changing bars while having one so you don’t feel so alone and this isn’t recognizable.

In case you go to a dance club

Expecting you go to a club alone, it is best that you practice to some degree by going to a bar alone first, since people go to clubs to some degree later. To do whatever it takes not to go out directly to them from home, go ahead and have a drink so you can warm up. At the point when you appear at the club, one of the Scottsdale dance club for example, go to the bar to orchestrate something, it is where there are by and large the a considerable number individuals and no one will see that you are isolated from every other person yet rather you are essentially going to organize a refreshment alone. We propose that you don’t just stay on a wall, yet fairly go to the floor and dance. Again, since there is music, it isn’t the best spot to talk yet rather moving, do moreover and merge packs that hit the dance floor cheerfully, but without being overwhelming or drawn-out. Expecting you see that a singular ganders at you an extraordinary arrangement and you like them, go up and chat with them, you could stop being isolated from every other person tonight.


In any case, isn’t it all simple to do?

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Motor development through play



Motor development through play

Play is one of the main tools through which your baby’s motor development is stimulated, which is why it is so important to choose the games and toys you offer well.


Establishing a balanced lifestyle from childhood is essential to guarantee the motor development and future health of your little one, even though we often think that habits come at an older age. Although we often pay close attention to the importance of adequate nutritional education in the early stages, we forget that there are other equally vital aspects, such as the habit of physical activity. Educating children to move more has a positive impact on overall development and growth. In fact, nowadays, it is increasingly common for children to lead a sedentary life, without the opportunity to play freely, to move, or to run. This lifestyle reaches such a point that the proper development of their motor skills can be hindered.

Play and the child’s motor development

At birth, your baby is an individual with potential abilities that allow him to come into contact with the environment. She can perceive various stimuli through the senses (sounds, lights, colors, human faces) and express discomfort or satisfaction through crying and through simple motor skills. On the other hand, between 0 and 3 years old, children experiment and explore the environment using their bodies, learning, trying, and making mistakes, although at this stage a conscious perception of the body in space has not yet developed. In this age range, custom trikes are the most appropriate form of play for them. For this reason, it has been proven that the development process that occurs in the maturation of physiological functions is strongly influenced and stimulated by the interaction between the child and the environment.

Between the ages of 0 and 12, children develop awareness of their bodies, and body awareness evolves in static or dynamic states, especially in relation to space and surrounding objects. As we have seen, trying, falling, getting up, and trying again are extremely valuable activities that promote the development of children’s motor skills. Each movement helps them improve balance and coordination, in addition to contributing to security and self-esteem.

Therefore, it is necessary to encourage movement games, provide children with toys that encourage them to test their motor skills, and stimulate them to try new movements and perfect new skills. The development process, and in particular that of motor skills, is strongly influenced by the stimuli and tensions it receives from the environment. Games, fun by nature, are the best stimulus for children, especially when it comes to the development of motor skills.

Teaching of movement

The most notable stages of your little one’s psychomotor development begin with crawling around 9 months and continue with the acquisition of the upright position and the first steps around 12 months. Generally, by 18 months, most babies have learned to walk correctly and can climb stairs with assistance and go down them without assistance, as well as stacking and building toys. At 24 months, toddlers can run and experience jumping for the first time. The ability to balance on one limb also begins to develop at this age. After the first few months, your little one begins to develop other types of skills. Between 2 and 3 years old, motor learning is more established: children at this age can run, jump, and kick a ball deftly. This greater freedom of movement improves safety when the child is exploring.

It is important to remember that developmental stages are subjective and vary from child to child; Motor learning does not escape this, and the times and ways in which children acquire skills may vary.

The child’s learning develops thanks to three fundamental factors:

– The nervous system, which helps plan movements.

– The bones, muscles, and joints, which allow movements to be carried out

– The environmental conditions, which provide the motivation or stimulus to move.

Each child’s individual progress is influenced by the development of each of these factors and the ways in which they intertwine. Therefore, providing children with stimuli and motivation to test their motor skills through play is crucial to promoting progress.

Movement games, your best ally

Movement games stimulate the child’s range of skills, in particular:

Motor skills or the ability to learn motor skills, allowing one to execute basic motor patterns or gestures in reaction to external stimuli. It also allows you to run, hit, kick, or throw a ball.

General motor coordination is the ability to perform a movement in the most effective way; the ability to learn, control, and adjust movements, adapting them to different needs, such as trying to hit bowling with a ball. These activities are those that stimulate hand-eye coordination and refine the precision of certain movements.

Precision, which develops in line with hand-eye coordination, gradually improves control of movements and progressively enhances balance. These skills allow the child to make increasingly precise movements.

Balance is a special coordination skill that allows you to perform motor activities in limited spaces or on unstable surfaces. Balance is key in all sports and the movements we do in daily life; It is a skill that must be developed from birth and continually stimulated. Balance depends on the signals received from the auditory and visual organs, but also through our sense of proprioception or our ability to receive information from the nerve endings present in our muscles, tendons, and joints, for example in the ankle and knee.

As you can see, there are various games that involve the development and execution of some of the skills we have mentioned. Throwing the ball, building a tower, or challenging him to organize a game of pieces helps him in the process of motor development.

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