Knowing what to do and how to act in an accident or medical emergency can be the key to survival, including our closest environment. According to a report by the International Red Cross, approximately half of accidental deaths can be avoided if we have knowledge of first aid, which is why we consider it vitally important to take a CPR course.
But what is CPR? Why is it important?
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a technique used when a person suffers cardiac arrest. The main objective is for the heart to reactivate its function to restore the victim’s respiratory capacity. Cardiac arrests arrive without warning, affecting both young people and adults. To save lives, it is important that people have a minimum of knowledge about how to act in these cases. Even, it is necessary for the little ones to learn CPR maneuvers as soon as possible and call the emergency services as soon as possible. The earlier they gain consciousness, the better the victim’s chance of survival.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) maneuvers are an effective technique that can save lives in case the victim is facing cardiac arrest or drowning. Even if your knowledge is not the best about it, it is better to try something than to do nothing. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation combines cardiac compressions (keeping the blood oxygenated and circulating until palpitations can be restored) with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (to supply oxygen to the lungs).
We rely on our efficient emergency assistance systems, our ambulance network, and healthcare personnel. Our country has one of the most efficient emergency systems in the entire world. However, there are accidents for which the response time may be insufficient or certain conditions prevent timely attention. The remoteness, characteristics of the event, and the impossibility of notifying the accident can increase the risk of worsening the victim’s condition. Luckily, more and more Australians are now aware of at least one training session. For example, what is recommended is this first aid training Melbourne. This training is professionally designed to accommodate participants from various age levels.
Anyway, for this reason, knowledge of basic first aid techniques is crucial in many accidents, medical emergencies, or catastrophic events. Mastering the main techniques for assisting injured or accident victims can make the difference between life and death in many cases. In other less serious cases, early attention to an injury can be decisive in containing and stabilizing its effects until the arrival of emergency services.
Who should know first aid techniques?
According to doctors specializing in critical medicine, the entire population should have basic knowledge of rescue and first aid. It is estimated that between 40 and 60% of accident deaths have occurred due to the lack of early or effective care at the time of the event. The first minutes after the occurrence of an accident can be crucial to save the life or stabilize the victim until specialized care.
In some countries like Germany, Switzerland, or Denmark, a basic first aid course is mandatory to obtain a driving license. In other countries such as Italy or Argentina, teachers at any level must take these courses as part of their academic training.
First aid knowledge should be mastered by:
– Any person who is in contact with at-risk populations or who, due to their profession, is exposed to risky situations.
– Any professional in the area of services, restaurants, and hotels.
– Teachers, caregivers, tutors, and parents of infants, children or adolescents.
– Public transport drivers and public service providers.
Like all branches of knowledge, first aid courses are taught gradually, progressively, and sequentially. From the most basic rescue and care techniques to the most complex ones with a greater degree of involvement or attention to more complex situations.
All first aid courses contemplate a fundamental principle that is based on:
– Knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques
– Location and measurement of vital values: heart rate, respiratory rate, and other vital signs.
– Measurement of the victim’s degrees of consciousness.
– Management of wounds and placement of bandages.
– Basic hemorrhage containment.
– Basic immobilization of fractures, sprains, or traumas.
– Clearing and un-obstructing airways.
– Alert, timely notification, and collaboration with emergency services.
– Evacuation techniques and transfer of injured people in catastrophic cases.
In a CPR course, along with this knowledge, the person acquires the ability to maintain serenity and objectivity in an emergency situation. Mastering these techniques can be essential in our work, personal, and family spheres. CPR stories, songs, videos, and video games are the most requested options by centers that want to add this practice to their students, obtaining incredible results. In the end, a first aid course is very important for anyone, remembering that disaster can happen at any time and anywhere.